Tag: Application Deployment
Connect PostgreSQL to Java Application with Jelastic PaaS
PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source SQL database with the object-relational structure and numerous robust features to ensure excellent performance and reliability. In this...
Deploy Discourse Discussion Platform inside Docker Containers with Jelastic PaaS
Discourse is an open source discussion platform used for forums or long-form chat rooms. It provides an advanced forum software with numerous awesome features,...
Python Cloud Hosting with Jelastic PaaS
Jelastic PaaS provides an out-the-of-box integration of the scalable Apache application server for Python-based application cloud hosting. It is already optimized and prepared for...
Jelastic released Multi-Region Deployment and Automatic Container Rollback
Jelastic PaaS version 5.6 is released with ability to deploy packaged applications and services across multiple regions, automatic backup and restore of containers during...
Ghost Publishing Platform and Node.js Cloud Hosting with Jelastic PaaS
Ghost is a simple but powerful Node.js-based publishing platform, allowing people to share their stories with the whole world. It’s absolutely free and an...
Java Cloud Hosting: Elasticity and Flexibility with Jelastic PaaS
Currentl multilingual Jelastic PaaS was initially created as pure Java Cloud and still maintains a primary focus on this programming language. The maturity of...
Deploy Confluence Server to the Cloud with Jelastic PaaS
Confluence is a project collaboration tool with an extensive set of features that help to improve the efficiency of joint teams work and gain...
Magento Deployment Race: AWS, Azure vs Jelastic PaaS
Magento is considered as the biggest open-source e-commerce solution. It is estimated that over 220.000 active websites are running on Magento with such big...
Node.js Cloud Hosting with Jelastic PaaS
Jelastic PaaS provides an out-of-the-box integration of the fast, lightweight and highly scalable Node.js application server. It is automatically supplied with numerous optimization and...
Build and Deploy Hooks in Jelastic PaaS
Hook is a term used to indicate a code insertion into some standard operation to provide customization. In confines of Jelastic PaaS platform, you...